Monday, February 22, 2016

TesterKorea: Review and Haul

hi :)
in previous post i've been sharing with you about my korean makeup/skincare haul from testerkorea (if you have not read it yet then you can read it now here), but i never explain the detail about it or review about the shop itself .
this time i will review and tell you everything that i know about shopping with based on my personal experience.

testerkorea is an online store based in korea that sells cosmetics, fashion, food and they ship worldwide.
they carry many brands from brand we familiar with to the a new brand that we have'nt even heard about it.

the box from testerkorea not like ordinary box you received, they have a good quality box that really hard and can protect your product from damage.
also bubble wrap your product too.

i got:
-innisfree ampoule intense foundation #13 light beige
-it's skin nutritious magic no sebum pact dx
-shu shu sticker nail polish #st03 marshmallow hotpink

about shipping they offer various shipping method that you can choose from and the fee is depends on your product weight, for more info you can click here
so from many shipping method they offer so far i only ever tried registerd air mail and ecargo.
i live in indonesia and not in big city so the shipping a bit more slowly than normal.
with registerd air mail my package arrive about 1 month and sometime more than 1 month.
with ecargo my package arrive only in 11 days and the fee is cheaper too but only available for indonesia, malaysia and singapore.

they have a good deals and i think the price is cheaper from other online store that sells korean cosmetics thats why i always buy from them.
you can check their deals/event here.

testerkorea also have a request service which mean you can request every product that you want even that product didnt available on their website and you only need to mention the name or the link about the product you want.
but keep in mind if you request something you need to be patient because they need a time to collect and search your request, it also mean can delay your shipping.

thats all i think but if you need to know more about testerkorea that maybe i didnt write it, you can leave a comment below ;) i will try to answer.
for review about the product above i will post it separately,
thank you for reading.


  1. Hi,
    I want to ask about e cargo shipping. If we choose that to shipped to indonesia, how about the fee customs? Can you explain it, cos i'd like to order via testerkorea. Thx

    1. hi,
      i didnt pay anything for customs, and i think you dont have to pay any of customs fee as long as your package worth below $50.

  2. klo pke ecargo ada fee lagi ga yaa kayak handling fee atau pajak apapun gitu?
    dan dikirimnya sampe rumah?
    mohon dijawab yaa makasih.

    1. halloo,
      aku sih ga bayar apa2 lagi ya.
      sebenarnya begini , pajak bea cukai dan apapun itu ngak ada hubungannya dengan jasa pengiriman yg kamu pakai (contoh: ecargo, pos, atau dhl), tapi soal barang dan nilai barang jadi aku ngak bisa jamin klo semua org pakai ecargo ngak perlu bayar apa2 lagi cuman berdasarkan pengalaman ku, aku ngak bayar apa2 setelah ak terima barang.
      soal dikirim barang sampai rumah? iya barang dikirim sampai depan pintu rumah.

  3. Haiii aku mau tanya kalo kita belanja di testerkorea make ecargo lebih dari $50 bakal tetap kena custom ga walaupun make ecargo? Tolong dijawab yaa makasihh:)

  4. Haloo aku mau tanya kalo kita belanja di testerkorea lebih dari $50 tetap kena custom ga walaupun pengirimannya menggunakan e cargo? Makasihh. Tolong di jawab yaa:)

    1. hi:)
      ak pernah belanja lbh dari $50 sekitar $93 pke e cargo ga kena apa2 kok, soalnya testerkorea tulis dipaket kita sebagai "gift" terus value barangnya ditulis cuman $20 aja
      semoga membantu yaa
      makasih udh baca blog ku :D

  5. aku mau beli di tester korea tp shipping nya kok adanya rincos, dhl, ems ya? gaada ecargo? aku lht rincos sama sih kyk ecargo udh handle tax dll tp pengen pake ecargo
